Do you know jelly called “Konnyaku jelly”?
Konnyaku jelly is one of my favorite desserts.
Konnyaku jelly in Japan

What I love about Konnyaku jelly is because it’s so chewy.
Just like a konnyaku.
Konnyaku jelly is not Konnyaku, but it has Konnyaku powder.
And the texture is chewy.
Japanese people love the peculiar texture.

Konnyaku jelly is so jiggly and chewy!
I love the taste of grape jelly. For me, it is a very refreshing taste
Konnyaku jelly is low calorie dessert
Konnyaku jelly is very popular in Japan.
Even among people who are on diet.
Because Konnyaku jelly is well known as a low-calorie dessert.

Popular product ”Konnyaku batake is just 25kcal each.
And this jelly can keep your satisfaction for a long time.
So people who are on diet eat this.
Some people use frozen Konnyaku jelly as ice pack

In Japan, some people freeze Konnyaku jelly and put it in a Bento box as an ice pack.
Summer in Japan is so hot and humid and foods get bad so easily.
So some people put frozen Konnyaku jelly near the bento or inside the bento.
That’s a good idea because Konnyaku jelly works like an ice pack, and it would be normal konnyaku jelly by lunchtime.
Please don’t eat frozen Konnyaku jelly!
It’s dangerous.
Don’t Choke with Konnyaku jelly
In Japan, everybody knows that Konnyaku jelly might be dangerous while you eat it and could cause choking due to eating it fast or if you talk. Especially for the elderly and kids.
So please don’t give this jelly to elderly or kids.
And even if you are not elderly, don’t vacuum it when you eat.

Chew a lot and don’t lose control of the jelly in your teeth
Enjoy Japanese Konnyaku jelly

I always eat “Konnyaku batake” from “mannan life”, but another product “Konnyaku jelly” from “Orihiro” is popular, too.
When you are in Japan, enjoy Konnyaku jelly.
But eat safely!