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Tanabata somen in Japan (Traditional tanabata food)

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Did you enjoy Tanabata?

This year (2021), July 7th was cloudy in Japan.
But I did Tanabata food with my mother.

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Somen is traditional food for Tanabata in Japan

I was surprised when I heard that Japanese people have been eating Somen for Tanabata since the Heian period.


That’s 1000 years ago!

Recently, some people eat Chirashizushi (sushi) with cute decorations in Tanabata, but I made Somen and follow the tradition!

Tanabata somen in 2021 (Tanabata food)

This is the Tanabata plate my mother and I did.



I got a leaf of “Haran” from the front yard and put it on the plate.
This is just a decoration. (This leaf is inedible)



While we were boiling Somen, we used a cookie cutter to cut the carrot into a star shape.
If you don’t have a cutter, you can cut the ingredients into a star shape with a knife.


The cucumber was smaller than a cookie cutter and I did the star shape with a knife!
It was difficult, though!



Decorating somen inside the bamboo basket is my mother’s idea.
It looked so cute and easy to eat somen, too

Tanabata food (Somen) in 2021

This year, the weather was not good.
But I made a wish!

I hope my dream will come true!!


I hope your wishes will be granted, too!

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