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Urushinuri : Introducing Japanese Lacquerware

In this article, we will explore the history of lacquerware (Urushinuri) and highlight some of Japan’s most famous lacquerware-producing regions.
Japanese Holiday

Traditional New Year Plants in Japan

This article is about traditional New Year Plants in Japan. Their significance and how are they used in decorations for the Japanese New Year.
Japanese Holiday

Japanese New Year Decorations

This article teaches readers about Traditional Japanese New Year Decorations and the meaning of them.
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Introducing Japanese popular pottery

This article explores the history of Japanese Pottery. The distinct styles unique to various regions in Japan, please make sure to read for more information.

What is Shichigosan? Japanese event for kids

Shichigosan (七五三) is a Japanese traditional celebration held annually on November 15th. The name "Shichigosan" translate...

Photo-AC: Your Go-To Japanese Stock Photo Service for High-Quality Images

This article explains the service Photo AC. A Japanese based website to download stock images to use for free or with a subscription plan.

Kikumasamune Sake skin lotion review

This article is Kikumasamune Sake skin lotion's review! I've been using this lotion for more than two years! If you are interested in Japanese Sake skin lotion, please read this article.
Vida en Nippon

Japanese Sashiko stitch | Trying Asanoha pattern!

Have you heard about Japanese Sashiko stitch? It's Japanese traditional handicraft. I tried Sashiko stitch with Asanoha pattern this time.

How to draw Asanoha pattern for Sashiko stitch

Asanoha pattern is one of Japanese traditional patterns. In this article, I'm showing how to draw Asanoha pattern. It's so useful when you do Sashiko stitch.

How to make Dokudami tea with Dokudami herbs

I'm explaining how to make homemade Dokudami tea using Dokudami herbs. Dokudami tea is well known as healthy tea in Japan.
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