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How to make Dokudami tea with Dokudami herbs

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How to make Dokudami tea with Dokudami herbs Drinks
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Have you ever thought of making Dokudami tea yourself?
Dokudami is one of Asian herbs.

If you live in Japan, you can get Dokudami very easily.
So I’d like to show you how to make Dokudami tea from scratch.

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What’s Dokudami tea?

How to make Dokudami tea with Dokudami herbs

Firstly, let me explain what Dokudami tea is.

Dokudami tea is known as healthy tea in Japan.
It has a long history, and it was already mentioned in some books in Edo period.

Concretely, Dokudami tea has a good effect on internal environment.
For example….

Diuretic effect 
Remove waste products
Relieve constipation
Helps with blood flow

I’ve been drinking Dokudami tea since I was an elementary school kid.

But there’s an issue.
Dokudami tea has peculiar flavor.
Honestly, it’s not very tasty.
So if you drink it for the first time, you might be disappointed.

But I have an idea!
If you want to try Dokudami tea, you can enjoy it as a blended tea.
If you add some different tea leaves, the peculiar flavor of Dokudami would be faded.
And gradually you might get used to the Dokudami flavor!

Now I’m explaining how to make Dokudami tea.

How to make Dokudami tea with Dokudami herbs

1. Harvest Dokudami herbs.

How to make Dokudami tea with Dokudami herbs

I usually harvest stems, too.
Of course, you can use stems for tea.

Making insect repellent using Dokudami flowers

May and June are flowering season.
But don’t worry, you can use flowers as well.

You can also use flowers for insect repellent.
If you are interested in it, please check the article below.

Making insect repellent using Dokudami flowers
In this article, I'm telling you how to make Dokudami insect repellent. It's so easy!

2. Wash Dokudami herbs with water.

How to make Dokudami tea with Dokudami herbs

Sometimes you can find some insects on the leaves, so wash them into water very well.

3. Put the Dokudami herbs on the net and dry them very well.

How to make Dokudami tea with Dokudami herbs

I usually hang the net outside the window until they are dry.
It depends on the weather, but it takes 2–3 days to dry them.

Now they are dry enough.

How to make Dokudami tea with Dokudami herbs

If the weather is too humid, the leaves may have mold.
In that case, you can use microwave to dry them.

4. Done!!

How to make Dokudami tea with Dokudami herbs

You can use the Dokudami leaves for tea now.
But if you want, you can cut them as well.

You can buy Dokudami online!

Furthermore, you can find Dokudami in a lot of places in Japan.
For example, mountains, streets, parks…

But if you can’t find Dokudami, you can buy Dokudami seedlings online.

Dokudami spreads a lot, so I recommend you to plant it in a planter.
Otherwise, your garden will be covered with Dokudami.

You can also get a product of Dokudami tea.

Enjoy Dokudami tea for your health!

In this article, I showed you how to make Dokudami tea.
It’s so easy, right?
If you are interested in Dokudami, please try it.

Dokudami can stimulate nerve cells in stomach.
So it’s good for constipation.
But if you are suffering with diarrhea, please try not to drink it too much.

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