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Chakin-shibori recipe (wagashi)! Sweet potato dessert

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Food Recipes
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Have you ever heard about “Chakin-shibori”?
It’s one of the Japanese wagashi.

This time, I’d like to share the recipe for Chakin-shibori.

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Chakin-shibori is Wagashi

Chakin-shibori is one of Wagashi (Japanese desserts).
It’s made of sweet potato or chestnut or kabocha, beans, etc…
This wagashi is squeezed with a cloth.


You can use a wrap, too.

I remember I made Chakin-shibori in cooking class in junior high school.

Chakin-shibori is not so difficult.
You can make Chakin-shibori with easy steps!

This time, I’d love to share the recipe for Chakin-shibori.
My favorite Chakin-shibori is the sweet potato version.

So please try this when you have purple-colored sweet potato.

Recipe for Chakin-shibori using sweet potato


Sweet potato 400g
Sugar 50~60g
Matcha powder 1 or 1.5 teaspoon


Boil sweet potato until it’s soft


Remove sweet potato skin and strain it.


Add sugar to it and stir it well.


I recommend you to try the taste at this point.
If you like a sweeter taste, add more sugar.


If the sweet potato doesn’t have moisture a lot, you can put some milk.


Divide into two and put matcha in one. Stir it well.


Put the sweet potato in alternate on wrap or cloth.


Squeeze the top part of the wrap or cloth.



Chakin-Shibori with Matcha

This time I used Matcha, too.
If you use Matcha, you can enjoy two different flavors!
And it looks so cute in two colors.

But it’s not mandatory.
If you don’t like Matcha, you don’t need to use it.


The Chakin-shibori that I made at school was not with Matcha.

If you are interested in making Wagashi, chakin-shibori is perfect!
You don’t need special ingredients or equipment.


I love eating Chakin-shibori with Matcha (tea)

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