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Karei no Nitsuke | Delicious fish recipe

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Karei no nitsuke fish recipe Food Recipes
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Today, I’m going to introduce “Izakaya recipe”.
It’s called “Karei no nitsuke”.

Karei no nitsuke is a typical Izakaya menu and also a home-cooked meal in Japan.

If you want to try a typical Japanese fish meal, try this recipe!

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What’s Karei no Nitsuke?

“Karei” is the name of the fish.
“Nitsuke” means “simmered food with Soy sauce and sugar and sake”.

Karei is an appropriate fish for Nitsuke.
In Japan, you can get this fish at supermarkets.
Here’s the picture of Karei I got this time.

Karei no nitsuke fish recipe

This time, I used “Karei” as a typical menu at Izakaya, but if you can’t find it, you can use other fish instead.
For example, beryx splendens and Yellowtail are my recommendations!

Karei no Nitsuke recipe

Karei no nitsuke fish recipe


Karei (Fish) 2 pieces
Ginger a little
Sake 150cc
Soy sauce 50cc
Sugar Tablespoon 5
Mirin Teaspoon 1 



For preparation, slice the ginger first!

Put all the ingredients except Karei (Fish) into a pot and ignite.

Karei no nitsuke recipe

When it starts boiling, add Karei and drop a piece of aluminum foil directly on the fish to cover it. Boil them on low heat for 15 minutes.

Flip the fish and boil them for 5 more minutes.

Karei no nitsuke recipe

Serve the fish on a plate and it is done!!

Karei no nitsuke fish recipe

You can use the surplus sauce

After you serve the Karei, you can use the surplus sauce.
For example, Daikon is perfect for this sauce.

Cut Daikon and put them into the sauce.
And boil it until the color of Daikon turns brown!

Daikon absorbs the delicious sauce and it’s really tasty!!


This taste reminds me of “Buri daikon”!

Try the recipe for “Karei no Nitsuke”

This time, I wrote about “Karei no nitsuke” which is typical food at Izakaya.

“Karei no Nitsuke” goes with rice!
And of course, it goes with Sake as well!

If you like Sake or cook Japanese food, I recommend you this Sake.


菊正宗 しぼりたて ギンパック 1.8L×6本
価格:7,128円(税込、送料別) (2023/7/30時点)

The taste is so mild and I always use this for cooking!


I like drinking this Sake, too!

About international shipping service, check out Rakuten global express!

If you are living in Japan, this one is also my recommendation!

This product is “ready-made food”.
When you are busy, it’s so convenient!

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