Hi, it’s Kinako.
Today I want to introduce how to make “Ohagi”.

Ohagi is a Japanese dessert.
If you like red bean paste, you will love it!
And you can make ohagi with a microwave so easily.
When you get “Domyojiko(道明寺粉)” and “An(あん)”, please try!

Ingredientes for Ohagi
Water 150ml
Red bean paste 250g
How to make Ohagi
Put Domyojiko in a heatproof bowl.

Add water to it and leave it for 10 minutes.

Put the bowl with a cover in the microwave and heat it for 3 minutes. (microwave 600w)

Leave it for 5 minutes.
Separate domyojiko in 6 and form it in round shapes.

Cover them with An

Putting kinako to ohagi is another option
Ohagi which is covered by an is tasty, but honestly, I like kinako more.
Kinako(きな粉)is roasted soybean flour.
You can add some sugar to it and put it to ohagi.
It’s so tasty, too!
A combination of ohagi and green tea is perfect
When you make ohagi, please prepare green tea for drinking.
The combination of ohagi and green tea is very good.
But if you don’t have green tea, drinking coffee with it is also very good, too!