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Ume juice jelly recipe! How to make Ume plum jelly with agar

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Food Recipes
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Have you ever tried “Ume juice”?
If you enjoyed Ume juice, I think you like “Ume juice jelly”, too.

Today, I made Ume juice jelly with agar, and I’m sharing the recipe!

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Jelly with agar and Ume plum juice

To tell you the truth, making jelly with Ume juice was my first trial.

So I just jellified the Ume juice using agar.
But it went well.

I think I will make this jelly a lot this summer.


Even if you don’t have an appetite, this is easy to eat!

Ingredients for Ume juice jelly

Agar 7.5g
Water 300cc
Ume juice 200cc
Sugar 1 tablespoon

Recipe for Ume juice jelly

Tear apart the agar and put them into a pot.



Pour water in it and melt them on medium heat.



Add sugar and dissolve into the agar water.



Add Ume juice and stir it.



Pour it into heatproof dishes and leave them until they are cold.


After that, put them inside a fridge!

Ume plum juice jelly with agar

If you have Ume juice at home, please try this jelly
This is perfect in the summer.


I only use 1 tablespoon of sugar, but if you like sweet jelly, please add more to your preference.

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