I tried “100 hours curry” for the first time.
This time I’d like to talk about my opinion about the curry.
What’re 100 hours curry?

Have you ever heard about 100 curry?
It’s so famous and there’re about 40 restaurants in Japan.
As the name suggests, it takes 100 hours to cook the curry.
They stir-fry vegetables like onion, carrot, garlic, ginger, tomato, apple, banana, mango until the color turns to gold.
And they boil a lot of beef with herbs and celery to a pulp.
They also age the curry at low temperature for a few days!

It takes a lot of time and effort to produce this product!
We tried the 100 hours curry!!!

We got pre-packaged 100 hours curry.
We never tried this curry before, and we were so excited!
My husband decorated the 100 hours curry!

My husband prepared the pre-packaged curry like this!
It’s so cute, isn’t it?
I was so excited to eat this.
100 hours curry was so smooth

I didn’t imagine that the 100 hours curry was so smooth.
Usually, you can see carrots or onions or potatoes in curry, but this curry is different.
Because this one was stir-fried for a long long time and I can’t see the shape of the ingredients.
The texture was almost like soup or smoothy.
And I thought the color was darker than the general curry.
The taste of the 100 hours curry was so great!

The taste of the 100 hours curry was so deep.
I noticed that it had a lot of different tastes of different ingredients.

The taste was so complicated in a good meaning!
I even felt the taste of herbs.
I didn’t imagine the pre-packaged curry had authentic taste!
If there are no 100 hours curry restaurants in your neighborhood, I recommend you to get a pre-packaged one.

We are satisfied with the 100 hours curry!
We tried this curry for the first time, but it was so good!
I’m so satisfied.
But I wish I had the restaurant around here!