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Shio Yakisoba recipe! How to cook salt yakisoba

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Food Recipes
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Today’s dinner was “Shio Yakisoba”.
It’s salt yakisoba using salt instead of sauce.

Shio Yakisoba is so tasty, especially in the hot season.
So I hope you will try this.

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How to make Shio Yakisoba with shrimp and pork

Shio Yakisoba is tasty even if you don’t use special ingredients.
But it’s super delicious when you put shrimp and pork!

So I’d like you to cook this when you get shrimp and pork.


Now I’m going to share the recipe!

Ingredients for Shio Yakisoba (Salt Yakisoba)

Boiled Yakisoba noodle  4 package
Sliced pork 200g~
Shrimp 200g~
Vegetable anything you like

Sesame oil
Salt 1 teaspoon
Chinese style soup powder (Chicken soup)1 teaspoon
Black pepper
Water 100ml


When I didn’t have Chinese-style soup powder, I used chicken stock instead!

Recipe for Shio Yakisoba (Salt Yakisoba)

Remove the shell and devein the shrimps.



Cut the vegetables into bite-size pieces.



Put some sesame oil into a frying pan and start cooking shrimp and pork.



When the color of the shrimp and the pork change, add vegetables.



When the vegetables are cooked, add yakisoba noodles.



Add the seasoning (Water, salt, Chinese soup powder) and separate the noodles.



Mix the whole ingredients gently.



Put the black pepper.



You can use any kind of vegetables for Shio Yakisoba!

This time, I used ”Komatsuna”, Chinese chive, Snow peas.

I wanted to use Chinese chive because we just harvested it at our vegetable field!
Snow peas were from my mother.
So I just added “Komatsuna” today.

But you can use anything!
I sometimes use cabbage, Bok-choy, Chinese Cabbage, leek, carrot, etc…

This time, I didn’t use it, but you can put garlic and ginger, too.

Shio Yakisoba is my husband’s favorite!

This is one of my husband’s favorites.
He loves this when it’s salty!!


Yes! But not too salty


I recommend you to use tasty salt!!

But be careful, you will be thirsty if you put in too much salt.

You can buy Yakisoba Online as well


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