Food Recipes Salt pickled cherry blossom leaf recipe (Sakura leaves shiozuke) Today I am going to show you how to make "Sakura no ha no shiozuke".That's salt pickled cherry blossom leaf.Salt pickled... 2021.06.03 Food Recipes
Life Useful items to overcome the hot and humid summer in Japan! Summer in Japan is so uncomfortable!So humid and so hot.I liked summer here, but after I experienced the summer in New Y... 2021.06.02 Life
Food Recipes Ume juice jelly recipe! How to make Ume plum jelly with agar Have you ever tried "Ume juice"?If you enjoyed Ume juice, I think you like "Ume juice jelly", too.Today, I made Ume juic... 2021.05.31 Food Recipes
Food Recipes Umeboshi recipe | How to make Japanese pickled plum Hi!! It is Kinako.It's Ume (plum) season in here.Today I’m going to talk about how to make "Umeboshi".Umeboshi is so hea... 2021.05.29 Food Recipes
Food Recipes Salmon Baked in Foil (Japanese style recipe) Soy sauce and butter Today my husband cooked Baked salmon in foil for lunch.He cooked it in Japanese style and it was really amazing.So I am ... 2021.05.28 Food Recipes
Food Gold leaf food in Japan | Edible gold flakes Hi!It is Kinako.Have you ever eaten Gold leaf?Now we have some gold leaf foods at home.This time I’m going to talk about... 2021.05.27 Food
Drinks Dokudami|Drinking homemade dokudami tea Have you ever heard about "Dokudami"?Dokudami is known as a crude drug in Japan.This time I'd like to talk about "Dokuda... 2021.05.24 Drinks
Food Recipes Tanabata food in Japan | Tanabata jelly and somen on July 7 My Tanabata memory July 7th is "Tanabata".Tanabata event is originally from China.In the old story, July 7th is the only... 2021.05.23 Food Recipes
Life Kimono mothball! How to take care of Japanese kimono I take all my kimono out every 6 months to take care of them.This time, I'd like to talk about it.Taking care of Kimono ... 2021.05.21 Life
Food Recipes Nitsuke recipe! Japanese Simmered Fish using “Tamori” Hello!Today I found a perfect fish for "Nitsuke".”Sakana no Nitsuke” means "Simmered Fish".I have never met a person who... 2021.05.20 Food Recipes