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Aloe yogurt! Recipe for aloe in syrup

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Food Recipes
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I love Aloe yogurt! And I used to buy them at the stores, but this time, I made my homemade Aloe Yogurt!

So I’d love to share the recipe for aloe in syrup.
Then you can eat aloe yogurt anytime.

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Aloe yogurt is popular in Japan

Aloe yogurt is very popular in Japan.
At supermarkets or convenience stores, you can find some different types of aloe yogurt products.

I always love aloe yogurt, but making homemade aloe yogurt is also interesting!

How to make aloe in syrup for aloe yogurt

I use honey for this, but the color of the aloe becomes brownish.
If you don’t like the color of the aloe turning brownish, then just use white sugar!


Please add more sugar!

Ingredients for Aloe in syrup

Aloe 3~4
Sugar 3 Tablespoon
Honey 1 Tablespoon
Water 100 ml

Wash the Aloe and place them on a cutting board.




Remove the skin.



Cut the Aloe into bite sizes.



Put some water into a pot and when it’s boiling add aloe and simmer them for a few minutes.



Remove the water and add 100 ml water. Also, add sugar and honey.



Boil them on low heat for 5~6 minutes, and it’s done!

You just need to put the aloe in syrup into yogurt!

This time we used two different yogurts.
One is this strawberry yogurt.




Aloe and the strawberry yogurt were so nice!



This one was aloe in syrup and peach yogurt.

Please try with your favorite yogurt!

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