Food Recipes Sumomo jam recipe! Sumomo mo momo mo momo no uchi! Sumomo season! Sumomo mo momo mo momo no uchiHave you ever heard the words "Sumomo mo momo mo momo no uchi"?It's a tongu... 2021.06.27 Food Recipes
Food We tried 100 hours curry! I tried "100 hours curry" for the first time.This time I'd like to talk about my opinion about the curry.What're 100 hou... 2021.06.21 Food
Food Recipes Umeboshi pasta recipe! Japanese style My husband cooked delicious spaghetti using Umeboshi and Ume shoyuzuke the other day.It was a little bit sour and delici... 2021.06.18 Food Recipes
Food Recipes Ume compote recipe! Japanese Ume dessert Hi! It is Kinako.We have Ume trees at our vegetable field, and it's harvest season.And I've been busy with making Umebos... 2021.06.13 Food Recipes
Food Recipes Somen Champuru recipe! Easy & tasty Okinawa food Hello!It is Kinako.Today my husband cooked Okinawa food, "Somen champuru".I love Somen champuru and I used to cook this ... 2021.06.11 Food Recipes
Life Men’s Yukata / Jinbei stores you can buy from abroad! Hello!Are you interested in Japanese Yukata or Jinbei?Maybe a lot of people don't know, but men wear yukata in Japan.Of ... 2021.06.09 Life
Food Recipes Plum pickled in Soy sauce (Ume shoyuzuke) recipe Hi!If you live in Japan, you might have a chance to get Ume (plum).Today I'd like to introduce "Plum pickled in Soy sauc... 2021.06.06 Food Recipes
Food Recipes Salt pickled cherry blossom leaf recipe (Sakura leaves shiozuke) Today I am going to show you how to make "Sakura no ha no shiozuke".That's salt pickled cherry blossom leaf.Salt pickled... 2021.06.03 Food Recipes
Life Useful items to overcome the hot and humid summer in Japan! Summer in Japan is so uncomfortable!So humid and so hot.I liked summer here, but after I experienced the summer in New Y... 2021.06.02 Life