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Somen Champuru recipe! Easy & tasty Okinawa food

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Food Recipes
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It is Kinako.

Today my husband cooked Okinawa food, “Somen champuru”.
I love Somen champuru and I used to cook this when we lived in New York, too.


Now my husband often cooks this for me!

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What’s Somen Champuru?

This is the Somen Champuru my husband cooked!

Somen Champuru is a traditional dish in Okinawa.
The main ingredients of this food are Somen and Tuna.
And usually Chinese chives.

But the ingredient depends on the family.
Some people put egg or goya.
And some people use spam instead of tuna.

This time, my husband used carrot and Komatsuna, and tuna.
I’d like you to try this with your favorite vegetables.

Recipe for Somen Champuru

Ingredients for Somen Champuru

Somen 2bunch
Can of tuna 2
Carrot 40 or 40g
Chinese chives 40g~

Soy sauce 2 tablespoon
Mayonnaise 1 tablespoon
Sesame oil a little

How to cook Somen Champuru

Cut the vegetable into bite size.



Stir-fry the vegetables.



Boil the somen.



When the vegetables are cooked, add tuna and turn off the gas.



When the somen is boiled, cool it with water for a while. This also removes the extra salt that the somen already has in it.

After you drain the water, put somen into the frying pan and stir-fry them with seasoning.


That’s all.

I love eating Somen Champuru in summer

I love eating Somen Champuru in the summertime.

Summer in Japan is so hot and humid and people usually dont have appetite.

Even if I don’t have an appetite because of the heat, the scent of this food always makes me hungry.
Today, too.
I was not very hungry, but when my husband started cooking, I was getting hungry!

So I hope this food will help your appetite, too.

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