Survival foods list in Japan! What essential provisions you need to have

It’s Kinako in Japan.
Since I experienced so many earthquakes in my life, I can’t get rid of them from my mind.

Today I’m going to talk about some survival foods I prepare.

It’s a very important thing in Japan.
I hope this article is useful for you!


Prepare survival foods for emergencies like earthquake or typhoon

If you live in Japan, I hope you’ve prepared some survival foods in your backpack.
If not, please prepare some food.

As you know, Japan has a lot of natural disasters.
You may need survival foods 1 year from now or today.

So just in case, most Japanese people always prepare some essential provisions.

Now I’m going to show you the survival foods we have at home.

Survival food in Japan…Freeze-dried product from Amano Foods

If you don’t know what to buy, I recommend this!!

“Amano Foods” is a freeze-dried products company and they have a lot of products!

For example, miso soup, curry, beef stew, oyako-don, Mabo-don, tonjiru, porridge…I can’t write everything!

I’ve tried their products, but everything is so tasty.


I bought these discount Amano Foods products a few years ago and brought some of them to New York, too!

I heard that a lot of people are buying this freeze-dried product at the start and during the pandemic of COVID-19.
And people keep these products as survival food, too!

You can buy freeze-dried products from Amano Foods online!

Survival food in Japan…Porridge

Rice is super important food for Japanese people.

What I want to recommend is rice porridge.
Here’s the rice porridge we always have.

You don’t need to cook at all.
It’s ready to eat as soon as you open the package

You can buy this at Rakuten.

This product is so great, too.
You just need to put water or hot water.
Then you can eat rice.

And there’re many different tastes, and you wouldn’t get tired of the taste.

Survival food in Japan…Bread

This is canned bread which can last for up to 5 years!!

And this can contain 2 pieces of bread.
It contains no preservatives.

Survival food in Japan…Miso soup

Instant miso soup is good, too.

This “Marukome” miso soup has 4 different tastes. (Tofu, Wakame, Aburaage, Negi)
And this has 32 miso soup portions in 1 package.


So delicious, too!

料亭の味 減塩(32食入)【z7h】【料亭の味】[味噌汁]
価格:596円(税込、送料別) (2021/4/18時点)

Survival food in Japan…Chocolate bar

Any kind of chocolate bar is okay, but I recommend this one, “Ippon Manzoku”.

This chocolate bar can satisfy you!
Tasty and healthy.


I like this so much! Ippon Manzoku is one of my favorites

Dessert always makes you happy!

Survival food in Japan…Calorie Mate

I don’t know why, but I really love “Calorie Mate”.
When I was in New York, I was missing this food so so so much!!!

This makes me so happy when I’m hungry.

Of course, I recommend this as a portion of survival food.

カロリーメイト 4本×10個【大塚製薬】【px】
価格:2130円(税込、送料別) (2021/4/18時点)

Survival food in Japan…POCARI SWEAT

POCARI SWEAT is an Ion supply drink.

It is a good idea to be well hydrated during an emergency.

This product is a ready-to-serve powder, you just need to put this into a glass of water or a bottle mix well, and drink.

POCARI SWEAT can give you the necessary ion that your body needs and during an emergency this is a light package, so there is no need to bring heavy bottles beside your necessary water bottles.

Survival foods are very important if you are living in Japan

In Japan, people prepare survival foods to be ready in case of a natural disaster

If you live in Japan, please prepare food for at least 3 days.
But if you could prepare for 2~3 weeks, it’s even better and recommended.

A natural disaster can occur all of a sudden, so always be prepared and ready for that!

Plan ahead and be prepared

First, prepare your items near a quick exit door or if you have an outdoor space you can place your items safely in a container in a dry cool place away from direct sunlight.

If you own a car, you can also store some extra items in there as well.

Have an escape plan and rehearse your escape route out of your apartment or house.

The city wards around where you live have booklets for information on what to do and where to evacuate in emergencies. Please obtain this important information to know more about the area where you reside.

It’s a good idea to also plan your evacuation routes to safe places around your neighborhood and familiarize yourself with these areas as much as you can.           

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